On August 19, 2023 over 300 participants came together to celebrate the 4th b.strong 5k and Bernard's 49th birthday. Over 100 participants were able to meet at one of our favorite spots, Moonlight Beach in Encinitas, California. Together we raised over $30,000 to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and helped to promote their mission of a world without blood cancer. It is only together we can make this impact and continue striving towards cures!
Below are pictures from the participants, whether they were at Moonlight Beach,
along the East Coast, or somewhere in between.
We are so grateful to this group in helping to celebrate and remember Bernard and all cancer warriors.
Thank you to Fleet Feet San Diego and Fitness Finders for their support.


AUGUST 19, 2023
Please join us on Saturday, August 19th for the fourth annual virtual 5k run & walk event to honor Bernard Llave on his birthday. Bernard fought his 8-year battle against leukemia with grace, dignity and an incalculable amount of strength. He, along with his amazing wife Dee, lit the b.strong torch and shared their lives with all of us through each step of his treatment. He inspired us to push ourselves, do new things and positively impact the world. In the last 3 years we have raised over $85,000 and had participants from all 50 states and numerous countries. To date the b.strong team has raised over $2 million to support The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS), led countless people to join the bone marrow registry through Be The Match and provided hope, love and friendship to all who have come into contact.
We want to celebrate him in a way we think he would have appreciated. So no matter where in the world you are, no matter the path you take, no matter how fast or slow you go find a 5k (3.1 mile) route and join the b.strong family in remembering Bernard. All funds raised will benefit LLS. Please note for registrations after Saturday, July 8th we cannot accommodate shirt requests and participants will not receive a race packet.
If you would like to make a donation but not participate in the 5k we would still greatly appreciate your support and donations can still be made via the fundraising website. Please feel free to spread the word and let's keep the b.strong flame burning bright. If you have any questions please contact